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A Continuing Dialogue:

On Saturday August 25, a group of about 50 people enjoyed a pot luck lunch and community discussion.

New Beginnings Ministry of Faith in Havelock hosted the meeting.

The issue: Why do the poor and minorities suffer the most from environmental degradation and catastrophic weather? How is abuse and exploitation of the earth related to income inequality and unequal access to health care and a good education? Where do we start to fix this mess?

This was an event to get acquainted with allies and friends, a time to continue a discussion on how the struggles for social and environmental justice intersect and can be mutually supporting.

Local Sierra Club-endorsed candidates joined us and were given a opportunity to speak about six proposed North Carolina 2018 Constitutional Amendments.

This event was a follow-up to the May 2018 Community Forum on Social and Environmental Justice led by the Reverend Erlinda Dobson, Presiding Elder of the New Bern District of the AME Zion Church. There was an opportunity to register to vote at this event.

Sierra Club-endorsed Candidates

Carteret County Commissioners: Gerald Godette, Dennis Litalien, Caprice Pratt, Katie Tomberlin

North Carolina House:Pene diMaio (District 13). Barbara Lee (District 3)

North Carolina Senate: Ginger Garner (District 2)

Sponsored by the Croatan Group Sierra Club and the Carolina Nature Coalition with assistance from Bishop Charles Dudley and Pastor Marion Dudley of New Beginnings Ministry.

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